
converting yolov7's .pt to tensorRT .trt format

yea yolov7's .pt is fine but we're not getting the best Performance™ out of our hardware. so in this tutorial We will be converting yolov7's .pt to Nvidia's TensorRT .trt format. there won't be much complex janky setup , as it is a streamlined with using a docker container (you do have to deal with nvidia drivers though but you're probably already dealing with it anyways)

before we begin make sure you have these 3 components:

  • nvidia drivers
  • docker
  • nvidia-docker
  • make (proabbly already installed if u are on linux like me)

clone my repo:

git clone

make a local docker registry to store your docker images:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:latest

build the base image
(you'd probably need sudo if you dont allow docker to run without sudo )

make trtconvbase

example conversion:

sudo make trt_engine $MODEL_DIR=/path/to/model/folder $MODEL_NAME=/path/to/model/file

make arguments

DOCKER_REGISTRYOptionaladdress of the (local) docker registry that you build and store your images to should you have a different port than the default 5000
TRT_CONVBASEOptionalname of TRT conversion container
MODEL_DIRRequireddirectory that stores the .pt models, will be mounted to docker container
MODEL_NAMERequiredname of the model you want converted

(yea i just copy-pasted my OWN readme)

how it works: => yolov7.onnx => yolov7.trt

there is batch processing suppourt but maybe i'll write that one up later idk. that's all for now.