
PenisShooter dev log 0/????

edit : im too lazy to finish this article smh
disclaimer: there is alot of mentions of penis in this blog post

I don't remember how I got the idea to make a multiplayer FPS (first person shooter) game, where you play as a penis (it's likely either when I am commuting somewhere or one of those late night discord calls with my friends) , but I've been kicking around that idea for a few weeks at this point so I decided to jump on that idea and make it happen, mind you I've never made/finished a full game before ,only working on a few *"small projects"*toying with ideas here and there but ultimately abandoning it. (let's hope I dont abandon this one as well). so this would be quite a challenge for me.

The "core design elements"

because this whole project is a joke that circulates between me and my friends, I think it's only proper that I make it as ridiculous as possible , but still on the "penis" topic of course.

so, the core design of this game (that i thought up for now) is:

  • the player is a penis
  • everything is penis based, penis gun, penis grenade, penis health (erection level?)
  • when a penis dies it ejaculates (this is a suggestion from someone, who I will not name)
  • there are multiple penis classes: big , small , short , long , stubby etc.. these are the ideas for now, it is subjected to changes

Starting the project

I chose Unity to develop PenisShooter because of 2 reasons:

It is the platform i have the most experience with for game development , the other engine I know is the open source Cocos Creator , which is really great for web-based 2D games but really lacking in the 3D department, at least for me, Also since I would probably be working alone, there are alot of unity resources out there that I can refer to in the case I get stuck on trying to make something work.

The elephant in the room

I have a somewhat decent experience with programming in unity in general, so as a challenge for myself , I decided to firstly tackle the elephant in the room (at least for me and my naivety), which is netcode. I have never done network programming before, and as with all things , you have to learn about the basics first before you can go in-depth, sure there are frameworks/engines out there like Photon(that I will be using), that for the most part abstracts away the lower level concepts of networking making it easier to implement multiplayer games, but for me I think at least knowing how the fundementals work is important because it saves so me from so much pain later on when trying to debug issues that usually arise from following tutorials blindly(that is without knowing how anything works).